Divine Staffing provides vocational, leadership development, paid on the job training, and emphasizes transferrable skills and character traits valued by employers. Last year, 90 men built strong work ethics and learned how to effectively hold on to a job. The four main training components include:
- Lawn & Garden-Commercial & Residential Services
- Commercial Car washing at Auto Dealerships
- Day Labor/ Workforce Development for Habitat for Humanity
- Recycling Used Clothing/Warehouse Training
Building Hope Tradesmen Vocational Training provides an opportunity for skilled men with prior experience in construction to expand their skillset and build professional work ethics. These men are selected from our Discipleship program to work as a crew under the supervision of our highly trained Project Manager for the purpose of updating homes and renovating old homes into salable affordable housing opportunities.
Mission Media Productions provides training in photography and videography. Our talented team has won several media awards for their documentary of Rock Bottom and Back. New and existing clients continue to book their services that have taken its director and videographer, to Russia and Guatemala to film footage of the charitable work being done by one of their steady clients.

Lynhaven Events provides on the job training to the women staying at the Lynhaven Retreat. The Mission hosts parties and events on this 18-acre beautiful property; the women supervise property amenities with guests. Weekly Life Skills classes re-enforce professionalism, work ethics, customer service, and valued character traits. Event training provides skills used at Restaurants, hotels, and varied catering venues and includes Culinary Arts Training for daily meal service at the Lynhaven Retreat and events serving meals to 400 guests.

Redemption NOLA provides the art of jewelry-making training women in Discipleship. Our women transform old, donated, cast off jewelry into a beautiful one- of- a-kind creation, reflecting God’s restorative power in their lives and hearts. Each design is marked with a number that represents the person who created it; the number connects to their story of how God is transforming their life-- their Redemption story.